Tomorrow's Post:
Skyrim and why it's amazing

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Robotics Team! pt. 1

Herro my friends.

As none of you know, I'm on my local robotics team. It's a really fun challenge for me, since I have very little experience with programming a freaking robot. Season hasn't started yet, but tonight was our very last meeting. Now we are on holiday break, which I am, admittedly, somewhat sad about. But anyways, tonight we went through some scenarios and challenges, and then went through the program for each of them.

Dat first challenge:
We had to design a little program to move our bot down a certain number of feet, go around a curve, and come back, (like a race track). Individually, we each tried to write the program, and then about 10 minutes later we convened and my program was completely right, which I was fairly horny pumped about. C++ is fairly difficult though, twas no walk in the strip club/park.

Zomg challenge deus:
This one was freaking poop. Basically it was just to control a button so that instead of only turning the light on when you held the button, you could press the button to turn the light on, press it once again to turn off. Simple right? Well no, not really, it was a much larger program than I expected, and I had no idea how to make a class and boolean crap. Sucked at that one. :c

Last 5 minute challenge:
All we had to do for this one was control a robotic arm to raise up and down and stop at the sensors located at the top and bottom, this one was a freaking breeze. "Like the one you felt when you got pantsed today?" FUCK YOU HOW'D YOU FIND OUT. Kids these days.

Also I designed the logo for our team, but it's on those computers. I'll pull it off in a month, you can wait.

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